4-(Pentafluorothio)benzaldehyde is a fluorinated organic building block that has been used in the preparation of agrochemical and pharmaceutical components. It has been used in the synthesis of fused heterocycles to treat liver infections caused by the Hepatitis B virus,[1] and aryl pyrollidines... Read More
4-(Pentafluorothio)benzaldehyde is a fluorinated organic building block that has been used in the preparation of agrochemical and pharmaceutical components. It has been used in the synthesis of fused heterocycles to treat liver infections caused by the Hepatitis B virus,[1] and aryl pyrollidines as a class of antimalarial agents.[2] Arylsulfur pentafluorides are common structural motifs in pesticides and the highly stable pentafluoro group is often considered as a 'super trifluoromethyl group' owing to its superior electronegativity and lipophilicity.
As one of the leading chemical suppliers globally, we exceed the needs of our customers daily. You can trust us to supply 4-(Pentafluorothio)benzaldehyde (401892-84-0), whether you are in an industiral or academic setting, we deliver unrivalled service. We can deliver biochemical reagents around the world, with stock locations in the UK and USA. Get in touch with us today and we would be more happy to answer any queries about your order.
1) https://worldwide.espacenet.com/patent/search/family/078957563/publication/WO2022116999A1?q=pn%3DWO2022116999
2) https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acs.jmedchem.8b01972